Realistic Bass Fishing Tips to Catch More Bass From the Bank
In the first episode this week, we have are some realistic bass fishing tips to catch more bass from the bank. I typically like to use three specific lure types to catch bass on a slow day. First I start things off with a topwater fishing lure like a popper. If I don’t end up getting a bite within the first 20 minutes, I switch to something else. The second lure I like to try is a worm or something similar. If I can get a bite on that, then I like to downsize a bit with a minnow imitating lure. If the fish are not aggressive enough to go for a topwater or a larger worm, I feel more confident when I throw the small minnow lure. Today I ended up catching 4 largemouth bass but my camera was acting up so only three were caught on video. Hopefully these few bank fishing tips will help you catch more bass on a slow day.
Check it all out in the video below.

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First Bass on a Strike King Bitsy Minnow! Fishing with a Bitsy Minnow
In the second episode this week, we see me catch my first bass on a Strike King Bitsy Minnow! Fishing with a bitsy minnow around here really is tough. I got a lot of comments on my last video from people saying it’s one of their favorite fishing lures so I really did have to try it again. And wouldn’t you know it, I caught my first fish on it which was a green sunfish. After moving to a new fishing spot I caught my first bass on it as well. However, something more amazing happened on this trip! I met someone else who picks up trash at the park. The fishing wasn’t that great today, but seeing another local hero picking up the trash sure made my day!
Check it out in the video below.

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The Best Bass Fishing Lure For Early Fall – Realistic Bass Fishing!
What is the best bass fishing lure for early fall? For the final episode this week, this realistic bass fishing video shows the lure I use to catch multiple bass from the bank. This turned out to be one of the best days of fishing so far this year! I start things off catching a big three pound bass just past the shallow grass. After working my way down the bank I catch four more nice largemouth bass. I ended up catching five bass total in less than 2 hours! If you asked me what the best bass fishing lure for fall is, right now I would have to say it’s a Wacky Rig Yun Dinger. So get out there and see what works best for you!
Check it out in the video below!